About the Program

Program Objectives

Europe in figures programme

How many projects have been supported and implemented?

received project proposals
implemented projects
supported non-governmental organizations
funding provided to the civil sector

Quick instructions

What is the application procedure?

Under the Europe Programme, projects are supported on a competitive basis. For this purpose, each year the Programme Council approves a package of documents to assist the applicant organisations. The package includes: Application Guidelines; Application Form; Methodology for evaluating and ranking project proposals; annexes; online application guide. The competition for collecting project proposals is announced, in accordance with the requirements of the Programme, on the websites of the Sofia Municipal Council, Sofia Municipality, the Europe Programme, as well as on the websites of non-governmental organisations. The deadline for submitting project proposals is one month. Information days on the application procedure are held every year, which every citizen interested in the Europe Programme has the opportunity to visit according to a previously announced schedule and receive advice and answers to the questions posed.

How are projects evaluated and ranked?

This is carried out by a Commission for the Evaluation and Ranking of Project Proposals. The Commission is appointed each year by order of the Mayor of Sofia Municipality upon a proposal from the Programme Council of the Europe Programme. The Commission is appointed after the deadline for accepting proposals has expired and is announced on the day set for the consideration and evaluation of proposals.

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